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If you don't believe in fate, destiny, or the Universe, then meeting your twin flame will defy your beliefs.

No matter the physical distance between you, class, age, race, or other obstacle will prevent you from meeting your twin flame for the first time and recognizing the pure eternal love that exists within you.

Now, you've met your beloved twin flame, the one you could see yourself spending the rest of your life with. But then the relationship implodes for some reason and one or both of you will try to run from the connection. If you're currently not together you may be experiencing some twin flame separation symptoms which can leave you feeling confused about what really went wrong.

Meeting your twin flame can feel like the most incredible experience ever. You may feel pure ecstasy, love like never felt before, and so much power within yourself. The experience is intense when twin flames meet because you have met your other half, your heart in human form, your twin soul.

The connection you feel goes deeper than any ocean and feels infinite because you're tapping into the power of pure unconditional love that is indeed your soul, one love with God / Universe / Creator / whatever being you identify with.

You experience the ultimate bliss, heaven on earth, nirvana, ecstasy then poof next thing you know your human minds start kicking in and tries to rationalize the connection. The human mind can't understand this connection and will come up with all sorts of reasons why you can't have this love.

Your relationship with them brings up all your emotional shit that needs to be cleared so that you can maintain a healthy relationship with yourself first and them.

One or both of you will try to convince yourself that this love isn't real and will do it's best to run from the intensity of the connection. Meeting your twin flame is like looking at yourself in the mirror, you see the good, bad, and ugly.

This is where the separation between you and your twin flame comes in.

Twin flame separation symptoms

Twin flame separation symptoms - Heartbreak Picture - Love Inspire Destiny

Twin flame relationships sure as heck is no walk in the park. It's faced with loads of ups and downs, like a roller coaster. More than likely, there will be a point where both of you will separate but don't worry, it's only meant to make you both stronger.

Here are a few common separation symptoms you may be experiencing:

  • Dark Night of the Soul - Ego Death - A period of deep self reflection, spiritual growth and transformation, and self development. Learning to free yourself from the limiting thoughts of your Ego mind.
  • Intense sadness or depression
  • Twin flame appears in your dreams
  • Can't seem to forget them no matter what you do or how hard you try to move on
  • Addictions to numb yourself from the pain
  • Feeling of rejection
  • Still have the underlying love for them - still caring about them even through separation
  • Protective mode - feeling the need to see if they're okay
  • Feeling intense sexual energy randomly
  • Separation sickness - can manifest as physical symptoms like heartache or sinking feeling in the stomach

Twin flame separation stage

Twin flame relationships is not just your ordinary fairy tale love story. It's a powerful connection that's strong enough to trigger you towards going down your spiritual journey.

Meeting your twin flame will open your eyes to the true beauty reflected back at you, because they are you, same soul.

After the realization or euphoria of a shared deep love is experienced, most likely the twin flame separation phase kicks in.

There can be several factors which cause you both to separate:

  • Physical separation by distance
  • Age difference
  • Race / class
  • Finances
  • Ego
  • Unresolved trauma and issues about self
  • It all comes down to the mind coming up with excuses to separate

The love you both share is very intense and pure. In order for you two to be together, the barriers that you may place in between must be broken down. You both have to let love conquer and rise above any limitations that you or they may place between the relationship.

The biggest reason why twin flames separate is because a relationship with the other starts to bring up unresolved ideas of self that needs to be healed.

Most twin flames who run from the connection can often experience fear, insecurity, low self esteem, not feeling good enough, or have a self sabotaging mindset.

We all have a past and certain conditioned beliefs about our self, that's how we develop our sense of self in this world AKA ego. For instance, if one has been treated very poorly in every single romantic relationship then they may start to think they deserve mistreatment or not be good enough to feel love.

We may go through our life journey thinking and identifying with negative qualities about ourselves until one day we start to unlearn things from our past and learn to accept and love ourselves unconditionally. This is usually when our twin flame shows up in our lives.

The twin flame appears to show you pure love because that's your own energy being reflected back at you. Once the initial love intensity phase simmers down you are left with your mind trying to rationalize the connection. For separation to occur, one or both of you let the mind win over the heart.

Why the twin flame separation stage is good

Twin flame separation symptoms - LoveInspireDestiny

The initial stages of meeting your twin flame is very intense. Of course you both will feel total bliss and heaven on earth but it will be followed by resistance to this great love which comes from the ego mind.

Energetically and emotionally, it can be overwhelming and tiring to say the least.

Sometimes a break may be needed so that you both can balance your energies, work on yourselves mentally and spiritually, and be in a better place overall to maintain a twin flame relationship.

How to deal with rejection during twin flame separation

If your twin flame has run from the connection please do not take it personally. When you do, that's when you can start falling into deep sadness, depression, some may experience even physical illness.

If your twin has left whether that's blocking, ignoring, or ghosting you, keep it mind that there's an issue they're trying to work on.

Did they reject you? Don't take it to heart because in all actuality, they're rejecting themselves, their own soul. Maybe a relationship with you is triggering the shit out of them so they don't know what else to do but to reject.

If you both felt that deep incredible love and bond then it's already engrained and imprinted in their heart. It's a remembrance of what you both are, One soul - One Love. So, no matter what they are doing whether that's rejecting, running, hiding, etc. they are ultimately doing that to themselves.

During the twin flame separation phase, it's the ultimate time for healing of both twins. It's a time of reflection and realizing the true nature of the connection.

Throughout the separation, you must also work on yourself. Learn to connect back to who you really are. Realize your true potential in this life. If you have unresolved issues, learn to address those and step into your true self and power.

At the end of the day, rejection should never be taken personally because they are projecting all the bad they feel within themselves on to you.

How long does the twin flame separation last?

Generally, a twin flame separation can last months, years, or even decades.

There can be times when twin flames can open up communication again, leave each other for months or years, come back together, only to leave each other again.

The duration of the twin flame separation phase is largely dependent on how much work each twin has done on themselves in order to be back together without repelling each other again.

This is why it's so important for both twins to work on themselves during separation to be the very best they can be without allowing ego to kick in and ruin their relationship with one another.

Twin flame separation pain

Twin flame separation symptoms - woman heartbroken - LoveInspireDestiny

Being separated from your beloved can really be hard to bare.

Some may take it very personally and feel physical pain in their heart or stomach. Trying to numb out the pain with alcohol, drugs, and bad habits won't help during the twin flame separation period.

It's important to feel the pain, accept it, and let it go. Don't deny the pain because why are you rejecting something you feel? It's okay to have feelings. Feel them but let them go. Don't let these emotional pains consume you.

Always know that if you both felt the connection then there's no way they could ever forget it. No matter if you're currently not together at the moment, you both are already one soul! You are already complete and whole to begin with.

What's meant to be will always be.

Just stay positive, don't hold on to the past, learn from the past, appreciate the moment, and look forward towards the future.

Keep your dreams of true love alive because you don't know what goodies the Universe has in store for you. You could have a great love either with your twin flame or with someone completely different that'll rock your world.

Just have faith and trust. Feel your feelings but let it go.

How do I get my twin flame back?

If they are your true twin flame, they will come back to you. But the question you should be asking is "how do I get them to stay?"

Runner twin flames will come back to you because even though they may have left, they are still thinking about you and love you deeply.

If you both felt the incredible passion and love for each other, they will never forget that. So, they will most definitely come back.

Until then, you need to make sure you've healed anything from your mind and heart that could have played a part in sabotaging the relationship.

Always put yourself first, learn self love, respect yourself, connect with who you are, connect with the Universe, and wake up to your power and potential.

Be the very best version of yourself you can be so when they return to you, the connection can be handled with maturity and different perspective.

Keep a line of communication open for them when they are ready, be patient, understanding, kind, gentle, and show them love.

However, you also shouldn't be putting up with any behavior that is totally disrespectful and extremely hurtful. Remember that you always come first, so follow and listen to what your heart is telling you and let it guide you during your twin flame journey.

Ultimately, you also should be at peace with whatever decision you make if whether you decide to wait for your twin flame or not. Do what makes you happy in life. 

If sitting around and waiting for your twin flame to come back is making you miserable then that's definitely not what you should be doing. 

Life is about being at peace with yourself, loving yourself, and following your passions and dreams. Keep moving on in life. You can always save space in your heart for them if life brings you both back together. Until then, make the most of your precious life. 

Twin flame separation and reunion

Twin flame separation symptoms - Couple reuniting - Love Inspire Destiny

Most twin flames will undergo the separation phase. If you're one of the twin flame couples who have skipped the separation stage all together then congratulations because that's extremely rare.

Twin flame relationships will have a separation period so both twins can grow and heal themselves in order to be stronger and more prepared for twin flame union.

The separation state is all about preparation for both twins to mature, step into themselves, acknowledge their connection, accept their love, and to surrender to each other and destiny.

In order for reunion to be successful for both twin flames, a lot of work needs to be done on both parts. It's going to be great when you come together with your twin flame but can the both of you keep the connection going and not sabotage it like the first time.

It will take a lot of clearing of negative emotions, thoughts, clinging on to the past, having expectations of one another and the relationship, clearing codependency, putting aside your ego, and ultimately letting your heart and soul guide you along the twin flame journey to make the reunion happen and last this time.

How to prepare for twin flame reunion

Twin flame relationships will most likely go through the dreaded separation phase which is needed for the spiritual development of both twins.

This time is crucial for the twin flames to do the work necessary on themselves so that when they reunite, it will last and not go back to the twin flame runner and chaser phase.

There are certain things that each twin flame can work on so they will be ready for reunion.

Here are some twin flame reunion tips:

  • Practice self love - learn to accept you as you are
  • Meditate to learn peace and overcoming your mind
  • Learn to live and appreciate the moment - not dwelling in the past or anticipating the future obsessively
  • Learn to not place expectations on one another or the twin flame relationship
  • Connect with yourself and align with your soul or higher self
  • Discover who you are and your own potential
  • Follow your passions in life to help you find meaning of your life's purpose and work
  • Learn to connect with nature
  • Learn to shed your ego mind which is what hinders you from connecting to Source / Universe
  • Practice non-judgement because that stems from the ego
  • Be one with love - that's who you truly are at the core
  • Practice gratitude for life, nature, everything, and everyone around you
  • Keep open lines of communication - if you shut down during separation how can they reach you if they want to get back to you?
  • Practice empathy - this will help you see things from their perspective
  • Learn to speak your truth
  • Don't force this twin flame concept on them - let it flow naturally - otherwise it may freak them out!
  • Be patient - what's meant to be will always be
  • Trust and have faith that true love will always make it's way back to you

Twin flame journey

Twin flame separation symptoms - Couple in love - Love Inspire Destiny

It's true that the twin flame journey can be filled with many ups and downs however, it's also one of the most beautiful experiences you'll ever have.

To meet your twin flame and feel the unconditional pure love of the soul - One Love is truly incredible. The truth is, that it is within us all along. A twin flame is our mirror soul in another physical body. So when we are connecting with them, they are basically acting like perfect mirrors to who we are.

We are already pure love, powerful, beautiful, and one with the Universe. It's just that living in this world could have made us forget this fact.

Not only is our twin flame the perfect mirror, our other half, they act as catalysts to our spiritual journey and awakening. To help us dig deep and remember who we are at the core - Love.

Twin flames can only come together and stay in union once they've healed enough of themselves and accept the pure love from each other without letting ego get in the way.

The twin flame journey is entirely one that leads you back to yourself and living the best life you can live.


Your twin flame connection is sure to take you on a wild ride. The twin flame relationship is meant to awaken you to who you really are which is powerful, infinite, and pure love.

It's going to take a lot to handle the twin flame dynamic especially if you both are working on yourselves and are currently in separation.

Rest assured that even if you think you're physically separated, you're actually still connected because you both are the same soul. The twin flame bond can never be broken.

Yes, you may miss them incredibly but just have faith that whatever's meant to be will be. If you were destined to be with one another it will be.

They can also never forget the connection they shared with you, so no matter what they will always share the same love.

In the mean time, if you're currently in separation, be the very best version of yourself. Thank the twin flame relationship because it woke you up to who you truly are - One Love. 

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