Have you met someone where it feels like the Universe aligned everything perfectly just for you both to meet in the most coincidental way?
You feel a deep connection with one another and they just feel like home. Someone you've been waiting your whole life for. The missing puzzle piece of your heart? You may think they are your soul mate but actually it could be your twin flame which is very rare to come by.
No twin flame journey or relationship is the same. However, TF's all over the world share similar experiences which can be found in these 8 twin flame stages which we'll be diving into.
Before we move on to what each twin flame stage consists of, let's discover what's this whole deal about twin flames.
What is a twin flame?

A twin flame is also known as a twin soul. Have you ever heard of this concept? Twin flames can often be confused with soul mates.
It is said that when the soul incarnates on Earth, it incorporates two different bodies. Therefore, twin flames share one soul.
Basically, twin souls are each other's halves, the yin to one another's yang, the missing puzzle piece. They are a mirror soul to one another.
When twin flames meet for the first time there is an undeniable connection that goes deeper then anything ever felt. A feeling of being one with your twin flame is also very common.
A twin flame relationship is not just physical. It involves the heart, mind, body, and soul. It is very spiritual in nature and this is why almost all twins can relate to having similar experiences.
Meeting your twin flame is truly one of the most memorable and beautiful experiences in life. The love felt between twin flames is that of pure divine and unconditional love. Something so strong that words can't ever do it justice.
Twin flames see the truth in one another, they are looking into themselves, their own shared soul that's connected with the Divine. A twin flame relationship is meant to show each other their own true essence and overcome any mind created barriers that the individual self creates.
Twin flames are one another's catalyst to help propel them to self love, acceptance, and spiritual development.
Prior to twin flames meeting one another, they have spent years and years being socially conditioned. On top of that, they have also gone through many life experiences. This inevitably shapes the mind. So, when twin flames meet and recognize the true love within one another, battles of the mind can soon erupt causing the running and chasing phase.
Ultimately, twin flames are meant to be the embodiment of love and light and discover the divinity of the real self.
Meeting your twin flame can be a very overwhelming and intense experience. Don't let this love scare you away. Embrace it, feel it, be one with it, because you are meant to feel it.
Always keep an open mind, just because some twin flames went through the running and chasing phase doesn't mean you have to. The sooner you and your twin can overcome mind obstacles in the way of love, the faster you can get into union.
Each twin flame's dynamic and journey is different so always keep faith that whatever's meant to be will be.
The most important part of the twin flame relationship is accepting yourself as whole first before looking outward to one another. When you are full of love within yourself, then you can fully love one another.
The twin flame relationship can take you on a wild ride of self discovery and true love. We'll be diving into the common twin flame stages that most twins go through.
Twin flame stages

You can recognize if you've met your twin flame by relating to the stages that may encompass your journey. Everyone's twin flame journey is different but these are common for most.
Stage 1 - The search
In this stage, you are subconsciously preparing for the arrival of your twin flame. During this time, you could be deeply longing to find The One. You may feel like there may be someone out there for you but you're just not sure how or when you'll meet them.
During this time, you could also be making changes in your life for the better. Maybe getting into self development, building healthy relationships with others, getting out of toxic relationships, and improving your life overall.
You may also start connecting back to yourself, finding your personal power, and learning to be happy with who you are.
Stage 2 - The first meeting

The initial meeting for twin flames can be in the dream state or a vision. This is to prepare you for the arrival of your twin flame so that you'll innately have that familiar sense of them.
Having dreams of your twin flame is a huge sign of the powerful spiritual connection you both share. The dreams can also come later when you both may be getting to know each other.
Twin flames can come across each other online or in person. You may have contact with this person but feel a strange sense of immediate comfort with them.
The first meeting with your twin flame will almost feel like the Universe has conspired to bring you two together. You both will have synchronistic events that align the both of you to meet.
The meeting can be extremely random, out of no where, or be hugely coincidental.
It's this initial meeting where the both of you will start to wonder about each other. The odd synchronicities that brought you both to one another is trying to tell you something.
This is where you both will start to become very curious about each other. There's something familiar there, a comfort, a knowing.
This is the magnetism that draws the twins closer together and thus the journey begins.
Stage 3 - Feeling intense love

As both twin flames start getting to know each other, there may be many odd synchronicities that tie them together.
It could be the smallest details like one twin has a sibling with the same name as the other twin's parent, having a pet with the same name, having the exact same clothing article, just completely random syncs which leaves them both saying "this is just plain weird!".
As the twins notice these coincidences, there's more that draws each other in. As both twins start to get to know one another, they'll start to see many similarities within one another.
Also, both twins can be polar opposites but balance each other out just right because they are a mirror soul to one another.
Everything about one another just starts to click. You both start feeling like you've met The One, your perfect match, your other half, and someone you've been waiting for all your life.
Both twin flames will experience a love never felt before.
It's a deep love that breaks any superficial notion of love they had in their minds. It's more than just love, it's power, it's an infinite and unconditional love you never knew existed.
This phase can also be referred to as the "Bubble Love Phase" or "Honeymoon Phase".
The intensity of the love shared between the twin flames is extremely high during this phase. During this time, both twins are completely naked, no walls, no fear, no ego involved, just pure love exists and is experienced.
As the intensity of the love starts to simmer down, one or both twins try to rationalize the experience with their minds. The next phase is where all the struggles take place.
Stage 4 - The Test

This is the time shortly after falling deeply in love with one another where one or both twins will begin to question the experience.
During the Test phase, inner wounds and conflicts will start to rise up. Since your twin flame is your mirror, they reflect everything within yourself.
This is a time of deep purging of old wounds, ego, negative self image, and where all concepts that don't align with self love comes up to the surface to be healed.
For instance, deep rooted insecurities, low self esteem, fear of rejection, fear of commitment, and all the shit comes up for air.
This Test phase is a crucial step during this journey because it allows each twin to heal deep within so they can embody the pure twin flame love.
However, this phase is extremely exhausting, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. One or both twins may not be able to face their deepest fears. One or both of them will choose to leave the relationship which brings us to the next phase.
Stage 5 - Runner and Chaser Phase

Most twin flames will go through the darn runner and chaser phase.
The relationship between twin flames initially is extremely intense. There's so much emotion and passion in the air. Not to mention all the inner healing that needs to be done.
One or both twins will find the experience too confusing, difficult, and torn. One of the twins will likely run for the hills.
They may choose to leave the relationship with self sabotaging behavior, push the other twin away, go back to their old way of life, or let external circumstances come in between their relationship.
When one of the twins run away, it leaves the other twin extremely hurt, and questioning their own sanity throughout this ordeal.
The twin flame journey will often times leave people thinking they've gone nuts! It's very common to feel this way and no if you're going through this, you are not crazy.
The twin flame experience is very spiritual in nature. The emotions and passion are all very real. It's just that the mind can't always comprehend or make sense of it.
Throughout the runner and chaser phase, both twins can experience the runner and chaser aspect. Both twins will know that deep down there is true love, a deep connection, and remember their first spark. This will keep each other returning to one another.
However, if there hasn't been much healing for either twin then runner and chaser phase will keep going on which may take weeks, months, or years.
Stage 6 - Separation

During the separation phase, the twins have not worked on all that's needed to come together. Both twins will veer off course and go about their lives.
This is when each twin flame will try to forget about each other. They may try to create a life that doesn't involve their twin flame.
During this phase, they may focus on their career, get involved with another person, or just plainly try to move on with life.
It is also common for twin flames to block or ghost each other on social media platforms during this period of separation.
The separation phase can last days, months, years, or decades.
This phase is brutal for sure. Especially, if one of the twins are more awake to this connection than the other. There may be a lot of pain and grief that arises during separation.
Often times, one can go through a Dark Night of the Soul which is a time of immense emotional upheaval.
Maybe one of the twins left the relationship and both are now separated. One or both twins can fall into deep despair. During the Dark Night of the Soul, life can feel almost meaningless as if nothing makes sense anymore.
This is the time of major change and death of the old you. The you that moved through life with only your mind and neglecting your heart and soul. Now, you arise as a changed individual keeping your ego in check with your heart leading the way through life.
Learning to let go of any control and stop putting limits on yourself. You realize after a Dark Night of the Soul that you are infinite, embody love, and are meant to live this precious life fully.
The separation phase can be painful to say the least.
However, this phase is often times needed for both twin flames to self reflect, grow, mature, connect back to self, and become whole to be ready for union and stay there.
Stage 7 - Surrender

The surrender phase is all about acceptance.
This stage can unravel all the truths one or both twins were running away from. It's the love that has no boundaries, is endless, and timeless.
Each twin may come to accept and truly understand what the other means to them. They both give up control over the relationship and break down any ego barriers that came in between them.
They surrender to the love for one another and self.
It's in the surrender stage where they let go of any outcome. They trust in the Universe.
It's when they both surrender to this love for one another that they can step into the final phase.
Stage 8 - Twin flame union or reunion

Finally, you both reached the gold at the end of the rainbow, union or a twin flame reunion.
The twin flame journey is not for the weak hearted. It takes a lot of strength, perseverance, patience, and love to keep you going. It's so worth it.
This twin flame journey is truly a spiritual one where it takes you down a path to uncover your treasure. What many people don't know about this journey is that it's not solely about the twin flames coming into union.
It's a deep journey of each twin to go within and wake up to their true nature and find the hidden treasure within each self. The intense love that was experienced between the both of them was only a reflection of what lies inside within every one of us - True love.. One love.
When both twins reach union, they would come together with a different perspective from what each of them has learned along the twin flame journey.
They can now have a more balanced relationship and approach to one another based on love.
This is where they will decide to spend their life together and merge with one another whole heartedly in mind, body, and soul.
Final thoughts
If you've crossed paths with your twin flame then congratulations. It's one of the most special connections you'll ever have with anyone. The bond that's created can never be broken because you both share one soul.
Remember that this journey is all about waking up to who you truly are inside, the Divine, the soul that's one with Source.
Each twin flame stage is meant to be experienced with all the highs and lows that it comes with. It's meant to propel each twin to dive deep into themselves and surrender to the power of love for one's self, the other, and Source.
The twin flame connection in an unbreakable bond that transcends time and space. It is a gift that's meant to be treasured. One that causes personal transformation in both twins down a path of self discovery and love.
Whether you're in one of these life changing twin flame relationships or a soul mate relationship, cherish each moment and fight all the barriers that's coming in between you and your love.
Although we discussed the most common twin flame stages in this post, this doesn't mean that you will go through these exact steps. Everyone has a different path to walk on. Try not to set any expectations on your twin flame or the relationship.
Love is free. Follow your heart, live in the moment, just go with the flow of life, and everything else will fall into place.