A twin flame journey is more like a love written in the stars. The Universe / Higher Power / Creator will flash signs of twin flame synchronicities to tell you that you've found ' The One ', your perfect match, your twin soul, ultimate lover in this lifetime.
A twin flame is not just your soulmate. They are more and deeper than that. You both share the same soul, two bodies and one soul. Like two hearts that beat as one.
The connection is so deep and pure that when you meet your twin flame, you'll both notice crazy synchronicities where you'll even say "You just can't make this shit up!".
Signs from the Universe is real and when you've met your twin flame you'll notice all sorts of coincidences.
Everyone's twin flame relationship is different but here are some synchronicities that you may relate to.
What are some twin flame synchronicities or common signs

The Universe can have a great sense of humor to show you when you've met your twin flame. Some things can even be so in sync that it's just surreal.
When you both start noticing the twin flame synchronicities, embrace them. Just know deep in your heart that the Universe is sending you a clear message that they are The One!
Here are some signs you could relate to:
- They think like you or share similar views about life and the world
- Share similar taste in music, hobbies, or anything else that ignites passion within
- Twin flames can have visions or dreams of each other before they even meet
- Having intense sexual visions (tantric) or dreams either before you meet or while you're getting to know them
- Immediately able to open yourself up to each other
- Feeling of knowing them from somewhere or some time
- Immediate sense of closeness like they are your family, friend, lover, teacher, jumbled into one
- Strange coincidences that can't be made up!
- Having the same clothing / hat, same favorite song, or you have characteristics that one of their family members have
- Shared experiences like you both could have experienced anxiety or depression
- Similar childhood experience where if you were raised by a single parent they also could have experienced that
- Twin flames often feel like they've found home in one another
- You both will fall deeply in love with each other
- You both will recognize a deep connection that just can't be explained with words
- The bond happens very fast almost within days or weeks
- Meeting in a very unlikely way, usually not even looking for someone when we meet them
- Close birthdays or same zodiac sign
- Having someone in connection to both of you but there was no way you could have imagined it to occur
- Intense mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical connection
- Deep longing to be with one another
- Usually some type of barrier between your twin flame union - it could be physical distance, age, class, emotional baggage, etc.
- Share deep intimacy of personal aspects of self with each other
- Communion - heart to heart connection not communication - mind to mind
- Feeling of vulnerability with each other which can cause fear
- Start seeing or hearing their name pop up
- See repeating numbers like 1111, 222, 333, 444, etc. on a license plate, clock, ads, everywhere
- You feel a surge of inner power and love within you as if you're connected to a Universal love - One Love
- Immediate comfort with each other
- Deep trust with one another
- Songs, movies, and shows will remind you of this person
- Usually, could feel a lot of bliss in life right before they come into your life
- Being drawn to a place or being called to express yourself creatively before you meet them
- Feeling like they can read your mind and you can read theirs
- Complement and balance each other's strengths and weakness - for instance if you're shy they could be outgoing and vice versa
- Feeling intense unconditional, pure, love mutually
- Time literally flies by when you're talking to them or are with them
- When you look at each other it feels like you see through to each other's soul (because you share the same soul)
- Feels too good to be true
- Understand each other on a deep level
- Their 'Hero Instinct' kicks in and they want to protect you even without you asking
- Can't forget the connection no matter how hard you may try
- They are the Yin to your Yang - opposites but complement one another
- Experiencing a Dark Night of the Soul - period of spiritual transformation and growth which is a result of deep pain within ourselves. It can also be referred to as Ego Death where we let go of the illusion like fear, rejection, insecurities, which hold us back from realizing our true potential
- Telepathic connection - Example may be them calling you right when you were thinking about them or you saying the exact thing they were thinking of saying
- You feel as if they are the missing puzzle piece, the key to your heart's lock
- You feel as if you've finally found the one you've been looking for all your life
- Wearing masks do not work with your twin flame
- Extremely difficult to keep secrets from each other, easy to be your authentic self around them
These are just a few signs and synchronicities that you've met your TF. No two journeys are the same so your synchronicities may be different, only you and your twin flame will realize the coincidences and connections.
Twin flame synchronicities during separation

Now that we've gone over a few signs and synchronicities when you meet your twin flame, what if you met them and are currently separated?
Don't be discouraged if you're currently separated from your twin flame.
You will still experience twin flame synchronicities during separation because you both share the same soul and there's no escaping that.
The relationship between twin flames are super intense and can feel very overwhelming. So, either one or both of you will run for the hills soon after you experience bliss of meeting for the first time in the separation stage.
The intensity and deep love of the connection can bring up fears, insecurities, or self sabotaging behavior and thoughts. This is why one of you will run away or block / ghost each other so you don't have to deal with all these feelings.
Rest assured that separation stage is much needed for learning and reflection. Separation actually helps build the bond stronger between the twins. It is a time where both twins can work on themselves. So when the time comes back for reunion, both twins are able to maintain the relationship without running away again.
Since twin flames share the same soul, you can't forget each other. The Universe will send you twin flame synchronicities during separation to remind you that they are a part of you and you are a part of them even though you may not be speaking to them.
Here's what to expect when you experience twin flame synchronicities during separation:
- Twin flames may dream of each other during separation
- Seeing their birthday or name everywhere
- Hearing random songs that remind you of them
- Seeing shows or movies that portray a dynamic which reminds you of your twin flame journey
- Seeing twin flame numbers like: 1111, 222, 69, etc.
- Resembling images of your twin flame from media or you see a person walking down the street that looks like them
- Feeling sexual energy out of nowhere
Don't dismiss these important twin flame signs as it's the Universe's way of pointing you to the right path or in other words the right one.
Just remember to have ultimate faith, love, and belief that whatever's meant to be will be. If you both were destined to be back together then the whole Universe will conspire to bring you two back. If the Universe brought you two together the first time and you both felt that incredible connection, why can't it happen again? Either with your twin flame or someone else?
Keep your dreams alive and don't ever give up on love. Learn from your twin flame relationship on how to handle true love. Remember, where there's love, there is no room for fear.
Until you meet your one true love, work on letting go of anything that can hinder you from maintaining a true love filled relationship. Live from your heart and treat true love with respect, kindness, non-judgement, and with open arms.
If you're in separation, keep lines of communication open with your twin flame. If you both are meant to be, they will return. If you block them and play silly games you'll just delay reunion. So be kind and gentle with them!
Twin flame synchronicities during separation is there to help remind you of your eternal bond that you are them and they are you. Have trust in the Universe that it will always show you the right path along the journey so long as you open your heart and take inspired action when necessary.
Do both twin flames see synchronicities?

Absolutely! Twin flame signs and synchonicities will be experienced by both twins. It depends on which one of the twins it's affecting and what the sign is.
For instance, if you have an absolute favorite song and your twin flame has it as their main background song on their social media page, then it's a sign that you'll notice.
If both of you realize a twin flame synchronicity like having a dog with the same exact name or having the exact pair of shoes then you'll both probably say "okay, this is just plain weird!".
So both twins will experience twin flame synchronicity depending on the situation.
Do both twin flames experience synchronicities at the same time?
Twin flames can experience signs and syncs at the same time. If they realize a certain coincidence together then they are experiencing the sync at the same instance.
Syncs can also happen at the same time unconsciously.
Everything is made up of energy, proven by science. There is a concept in physics called Quantum Entanglement. It's two identical energy particles where no matter where it's located, if one was affected by some experiment, the other particle would also be affected in the same exact way.
If we are all made of energy then twin flames are entangled at the energetic level since they share one soul.
This could explain certain syncs like if you were looking at your phone thinking of them, they could actually be calling you. Or if they're feeling a huge surge of emotions towards you, it can be felt energetically on your end whether it's sexual energy or other emotion.
Purpose of twin flames

Life is a journey where everyone has different experiences. One important fact to keep in mind is where we all come from.
We all had different upbringings and conditioning from society to navigate our thinking about religion, spirituality, universal laws, etc. This is all about one absolute truth. No matter if you believe in God, Universe, Buddha, Jesus, Mohammed, it is all about Source.
This is where we come from and who we are at the very core. We are a part of the infinite beauty of the Universe, we all come from Source, WE ARE ALL ONE.
Let's look at a tree for instance. Did you know that we are connected to trees? Just think about it. Trees absorb carbon dioxide and produce oxygen. We need oxygen to live and we exhale carbon dioxide so trees can live. So, is that not connected? We are one with nature and each other.
Throughout life, we may lose our way. We could even get so ingrained into everyday hustle and bustle that we completely lose this realization of who we actually are. We are spiritual beings having a physical experience.
Some people will have spiritual awakenings with twin flames as their catalyst, some will have awakenings through suffering, or it can just be spontaneous.
The twin flame connection for those who have experienced it is to awaken you to pure love that you already are.
Not all twin flame journeys are the same. If you've met your twin flame, you'll come together and stay together only if you both are ready. Meaning, once you've let go control over the relationship and surrender / accept the love is when you both can be together.
Whether you get together with your twin flame or not, it doesn't matter. Just wake up! Know your worth, know that you deserve only the best that this life has to offer you. You can create the life and have the love of your dreams. It may be your TF or someone else.
Just have faith and trust that the Universe ALWAYS has your back. You've got to learn to trust. What's meant for you will always be. Believe that you are worth all the love in the world. Once you meet your twin flame, they'll awaken the love inside you. Don't ever forget that love that exists inside you, that IS YOU!
Also, keep in mind that no matter whether you are with your twin flame or not, you are one soul. So, if you're currently in separation don't worry because if they are your true twin flame, the love between you never dies.
The twin flame journey is more of a spiritual journey back to your own soul. To remember who you are and to facilitate your own growth in this lifetime. Your twin flame is your own soul reflected back at you, like looking into a mirror.
Your relationship can trigger all sorts of pre-conditioned ideas and notions of who you "think" you are. They can also shine the light into your deepest fears and insecurities. This is why a twin flame journey is more of a spiritual journey back to yourself.
In order to accept the true love of your twin flame, you must shed and let go of all the conditioning of your mind that you've accumulated over your lifetime. All your traumas, past hurts, fears, must be let go. You must drop your ego mind which is what keeps you from being with your twin flame.
Once you're able to overcome your ego and accept the true love from your twin flame, that's when you both can come together and stay together. To fully trust, accept, and love each other unconditionally as you would your own self.
This is why a twin flame is our greatest teacher on our spiritual journey. They remind us to go within and remember that we are already complete, whole, and perfect.
False twin flame synchronicities
The twin flame journey can a very confusing experience especially if you've never even heard the term twin flame before or have no idea about the spiritual aspect of it.
If you've met someone and are falling for them, make sure that it's not a false twin flame. Usually, you'll be involved in a false twin flame relationship right before your true twin flame steps into the picture so you can compare and contrast what real love actually is like.
False twin flames pave the way to meeting your true twin flame, so actually be thankful for that!
Here's some signs for false twin flame synchronicities you may experience:
- They may have swooned you at first but you find it more and more difficult to be your authentic self around them
- You don't feel like you're able to open up to them or be your true self
- They tend to bring up the past a lot often times making you feel bad in the process
- They are very manipulative, lying, and deceitful
- Their emotional relationship with you tends to fade out
- They can get extremely jealous or angry
- They move on extremely fast
- Their foot will always be one foot in and one foot out the door, they can never fully commit
Life comes with all sorts of experiences. Sometimes we have to encounter false twin flames so we can truly appreciate the beauty of meeting our twin flame when we meet them.
Ultimately, just listen to what your heart and what your gut tells you because that's your intuition. When you meet a false twin flame, you'll know deep down that they're not the one for you. On the other hand, meeting your true twin flame, you'll know right away without a shadow of a doubt. Trust yourself.
The twin flame journey is going to take you on a wild ride, so sit tight!
What you experience with your twin flame will be unlike anything you've ever experienced before. It's like heaven on earth. The Universe will send you crazy twin flame synchronicities to basically shout at you and tell you they are your other half, your twin soul, your soul mirror.
It is a beautiful experience but it's much deeper than romantic love. The twin flame journey is about going within, a journey back to yourself, self discovery, back to self love.
The twin flame journey can often times leave us feeling confused but just know that meeting them will be the best thing to ever happen in your life and spiritual journey. Rest assured that you are going in the right direction and are on the right path once you have met them.
The path will always lead you back to love, Source, Universe, whoever you identify with.
At the end of the day, stay woke. As Mufasa's spirit said it beautifully in the Lion King "Remember who you are". We are all kings and queens, don't forget this!