Twin flame union
Meeting your twin flame for the first time will be one of the most memorable experiences in your life. They can often be mistaken for soul mates because you may feel a level of comfort with them even though you've just only met.
You and your twin flame share one soul. They are your perfect mirror. They help to amplify the light within you and also help to uncover everything within you that needs to be healed.
The love and deep connection shared between twin flames is unlike anything ever experienced. It's something the mind will always try to rationalize, however the heart always speaks another language which the mind can't always understand.
The twin flame union is always present for both twins whether they are physically together or not. It is the space that holds pure love. Twin flames are always connected by a shared soul and no time or space can break this bond.
A twin flame relationship can come with struggles at times. The illusion of separation, mind created blocks which prevent full trusting of one another, deep rooted fears and insecurities that are hidden in each twin, or other physical or societal barriers can come in between you and your twin's physical union.
Twin flames are actually one another's catalysts for deep spiritual growth. They help spark the divine light that rests within each other. With the light ignited, their lives will never be the same. Both twins will undergo a spiritual awakening, which may not always happen simultaneously, which allows them to awaken to the power of love.
A twin flame bond is unlike any other connection you'll make with anyone else. The love felt between the twins goes higher than any mountain top and is deeper than any ocean on this Earth. It's a strong, infinite, and unconditional kind of love which allows the twins to tune into a power from the Universe.
Twin souls are your greatest motivation to delve deep into yourself. The twin flame journey helps each of the twins to follow the path to self love, connect back to Source, and to go forward in life with love leading the way.
A relationship with a twin flame is very healing at the deepest levels. They act as each other's alchemists, transmuting lead into gold within.
A twin flame union is actually present at all times, since both twins share the same soul. However, barriers whether it is physical, mental, emotional, etc. can cause the twins to go separate ways.
Twin flames can indeed spend their life together only when they've balanced their selves and can maintain a solid relationship together. If each of the twins keep getting triggered with things that are opposite of love, then it can continue to cause trouble in the relationship.
Twin flame relationships is one of the most powerful and healing connections you'll have with anyone. The passion for your twin soul will rock you to the core. You'll both connect deeply on a mind, body, heart, and soul level where that kind of connection can't be found with anyone else.
The twin flame connection is thought of as a very sacred bond since it is highly spiritual as well. The twins are also known to communicate in astral planes of dimension. This is why many twins have experienced dreaming of one another prior to meeting or having intense dreams of each other while they're getting to know one another.
Although the twin flame journey is not always smooth sailing, each twin will be learning so much throughout the process. Not everyone's path will be identical however, there are 8 main phases that many twin flames can go through. You can check to see where you and your twin may be at along this journey.
8 Twin flame stages

The twin flame journey can often feel like a rollercoaster ride with all the ups and downs. Plus, if you've never heard of twin flames before it's probably confusing as heck trying to figure out why you can't ever forget this person.
Your twin flame is always with you, the unconditional love you both share can never be broken. It's one of the most powerful bonds since you both are literally one soul.
When you meet your twin, it's Heaven on Earth, pure bliss and ecstasy. You both share a divine love full of joy, hope, truth, and brought together by destiny. It's magical.
If the Universe had a sense of humor then the relationship with your twin can often feel so unfair at first. When some twins meet, they can be separated by distance, marriage, culture, class, you name it. It almost may feel like a cosmic joke.
However, the strength of the love between the twin flames endure through all the barriers. That's how powerful the love for one another is. Nothing on this Earth can keep them from loving one another.
The whole point of the twin flame connection is to help awaken each other to the purity of their love that's innocent, free from suffering of the mind and the world, and to help one another wake up to their own divine nature while connecting to their spirituality.
The twin flame bond helps to break open one another to accept unconditional love from one another, spread love, and to connect back to Source. The twin flame love ultimately helps amplify the energy on Earth to that of love.
The path to twin flame union is often not a yellow brick road, each twin is left to figure things out and trust in themselves and their heart. Listening to their higher self will lead one another to fulfill their higher purpose on this planet.
The journey can seem confusing at times so here are some common 8 twin flame stages to see where you and your twin may be.
Stage 1 - The search

During the Search Stage, the Universe is preparing each twin for their initial meeting.
This is often a time where each of the twins will subconsciously make room for the arrival of their twin. Things in one another's life may start to align or they may get sudden urges for major personal transformation.
Each twin may be working on themselves, getting out of toxic relationships, getting healthier, building better life habits, building better relationships with friends and family, and ultimately getting to a good place in their life.
In the Search Stage, the twins can also have a feeling that there is a true love out there somewhere, they don't know how or when but they feel a strong sensation of love that's waiting for them.
Stage 2 - The first meeting

The very first encounter between twin flames are often in the astral realm. Twins often talk about having visions or dreams of their twin prior to meeting. Twin flames can also have strong intense dreams about their twin while they're getting to know them.
The physical meeting between the twins can be online or in person. Often times, the meeting is really coincidental. Most likely, each twin was not even looking for anyone to meet. They will often meet each other completely randomly.
After the initial contact, both twins will start to be very curious about one another. There will be tons of signs and synchronicities that brought you both together. You both will notice it and think it's EXTREMELY coincidental. Psst..the Universe NEVER makes coincidences or mistakes.
Once you both accept the idea that there is definitely something more to each other, you'll both start getting to know one another. Then, the feelings of familiarity, comfort, and being able to tell each other anything will start to happen.
You both may be wondering how in the heck are you two able to talk to each other about ANYTHING being that you just met.
As you both start delving deeper into each other, you'll start to notice even more synchronicities. You both start to build a level of ultimate comfort and friendship with one another right away. They can even start feeling closer to you than any friend, previous lover, or family very fast.
While the intimacy between you two start to grow, this is where the next stage comes in where all the magic happens.
Stage 3 - Feeling intense love

As the twin flames start getting to know one another on a deeper level, a strong bond begins to develop. This is where both twins realize there is something more to this bond, they may feel it as a soul connection.
The level of comfort with one another is probably the deepest they've ever felt compared to other karmic relationships. They start to trust one another and begin to open up their hearts fully to one another.
They may even start considering one another a feeling of being home.
As they know and learn more about one another, they start to realize the perfection in each other. A very strong attraction develops and they are everything you've ever dreamed of in a lover.
Your twin flame embodies it all. You both are connected on a heart, mind, body, and soul level. You both feel it deep in your bones, this tremendous power of unconditional love for one another.
You both start to develop an immense level of trust, bare your soul, no walls, type of connection.
The love you both feel can be very overwhelming, like Heaven on Earth. It's as though you both have connected to the infinite power of Divine love. It's definitely something not many people experience in life.
The strong unconditional love you both feel is even hard to put into words as it will do it no justice. It's not something the mind can comprehend, it's just a deep feeling and knowing.
All twin flames that have crossed paths will attest to this experience. This stage sets the course of your spiritual connection where both twins must go through this "Intense Love", "Bubble Love", or "Honeymoon Phase".
This ultimate bond is what keeps the twin flames always trying to come back together on the 3D plane. It's something that cannot be forgotten no matter how much time has passed or what stands in the way.
The Intense Love stage can last weeks or months but eventually the intensity does simmer down. Once things become more balanced, the mind for both twins start to kick up.
The next stage is where the twin flames are put to the test.
Stage 4 - The Test

The Intense Love stage is a slice of pure Heaven, an ultimate ecstacy that no other experience can come close to. It's all organic, natural, and is a kiss from the Divine.
Sooner or later the twins eventually descend back down to reality where the mind now goes haywire.
This is the Test Stage where the twin flames have to choose love over fear.
The ego mind is conditioned the moment we are born into this world. Often times, we may have had rough lives, tough upbringings, religious, societal, or political conditioning which frames our ego mind.
The love felt between you and your twin flame shines the light within yourselves. All the hidden aspects of the way you perceive your self worth starts to arise which can cause conflict between you and your twin.
This is a time of deep purging of old wounds, ego, negative self image, and where all concepts that don't align with self love comes up to the surface to be healed.
For instance, deep rooted insecurities, low self esteem, fear of rejection, fear of commitment, and all the shit comes up for air.
This stage is meant for deep soul work, to transmute all the false beliefs you and your twin had about yourselves. Also, to conquer any limitations that's come in between the love for your twin.
Overcoming these mental, emotional, and physical barriers need to happen in order to be the strength that's needed to embody pure love.
Depending on how much inner work has been done, the twins may overcome this stage with a slight hiccup or enter into the next stage of running from the connection.
Stage 5 - Runner and Chase

When obstacles could not be overcome and there is too much noise from the mind or the twin flames just couldn't get passed the hurdle, one or both will run from the bond.
Having a relationship with your twin flame can be very emotionally and mentally triggering. They don't do anything to harm you but just being in their presence can start bringing up all the issues in yourself that needs to be healed.
For instance, some twins can start feeling unworthy of the divine love, start self sabotaging the relationship, deep rooted fears and insecurities may rise, may go back to their old habits, or just give up fighting for the connection.
This is when one or both twin flames decide to leave the bond or may ghost / block one another on social media because of too much pain that gets brought up to the surface.
Twin flames can also reverse roles of being the runner and chaser.
The duration of the Runner and Chaser stage is different for all twin flames. It can last days, weeks, months, years, and decades especially if they haven't worked on what needs to be healed. This leads to the next stage of Separation.
Stage 6 - Separation

Twin flames will often times keep finding their way back to each other, it's the spark and bond that act as magnets to one another.
When one or both twin flames have too much internal work that needs to be done which interferes with the love for each other, then they will keep running and chasing each other while roles can often be reversed.
Sooner or later, one or both twins may encounter too much pain during the running and chasing phase. They may decide to step back from the relationship which causes the Separation Stage.
During this phase, the emotional energy and all the constant push and pull may be too much for one or both twins. This is when they'll undergo a time of being separate from one another.
There can also be a lot of confusion during the running and chasing stage that one or both twins need time apart to process feelings away from their twin flame.
During separation, one or both twins can actually move on to other karmic relationships, work on themselves, focus on their career and life path, or worst case scenario go down a spiral of addiction to cope with hurt feelings, or suffer from the Dark Night of the Soul.
Separation for twin flames can be immensely beneficial for their relationship or it can tear one or both twins apart.
The time apart allows for clarity in the twin flame relationship, it can also help strengthen their bond if they realize what each other meant to one another while separated.
However, it can also have detrimental effects when one or both twins undergo the Dark Night of the Soul where life utterly seems meaningless without their twin flame in their life.
During separation, one or both twins will undergo an ego death where they will realize all the mind made obstacles that came in between the divine love shared with one another.
Overall, the separation stage will ultimately strengthen each twin and their bond, as they will do a lot of self reflection, work on self love, get their ego in check, and be in a better mind state to handle the intensity of the twin flame relationship.
Stage 7 - Surrender

The Surrender Stage is about letting go of any outcome over the relationship, this is where your heart leads the way over your egoic mind.
It's when both twins have done enough reflection into the relationship and now fully understand and accept the connection.
Surrendering to this connection does not mean giving up on one another, it just means that destiny cannot be escaped and what's meant to be will be.
During this time, there is a lot of soul work that is done where some powerful lessons are learned about one's self and the other.
When the ego mind has prevented the twins from coming together in the past, it now takes a back seat since both twins have learned a lot and are better prepared to handle the connection now.
Stage 8 - Union

Finally, the twin flame journey has taken both twins on a wild ride back to through Heaven and Hell, the ups and downs, ins and outs, bliss and pain.
There is a reason why twin flames meet one another in their lifetime.
They are the only catalyst for one another that trigger each other to dive into the depths of their own soul.
The twin flame journey teaches each one to love unconditionally, grow more empathy, have compassion, patience, connect back to Source, and love the self whole heartedly.
It is only when these attributes come into balance within each twin that they can have a physical relationship with one another.
Twin flames when together physically exemplify love in human form, they are the ultimate powerhouse of unconditional divine love.
Twin flames are meant to be beacons of light and love to help raise the Earth's vibration to be that of love and be closer to the Divine.
Everyone's twin flame journey is different. Some twins come into physical union within months, years, or even decades.
Twin flame union in the physical is one of the most beautiful and intimate connections you can have in this lifetime. They connect deeply in the mind, body, and soul.
The love shared between twin flames is truly powerful however, to embody the love, they must be ready for it.
What are the signs a twin flame union is near?

If you're wondering, there are a few signs that a twin flame union is on it's way:
- When you think of your twin flame, there are no negative harboring thoughts. No codependency, neediness, resentment, anger, there are only feelings of love for your twin.
- You are feeling really happy for no particular reason at all, you radiate love without any conditions towards others.
- You have successfully overcame your Dark Night of the Soul and came out better throughout the ordeal.
- Not caring whether you come into physical union with your twin flame or not. You feel whole within yourself and do not look outside to find something or someone to complete you.
- Your ego has taken the back seat. You have learned to quiet the ego and allow yourself to tune better into your heart.
What is the purpose of twin flame union?

If you don't believe in a Higher Power or Divine purpose, meeting your twin flame will definitely make you rethink that.
Everyone who has encountered their twin flame has experienced things out of this world from dreams, visions, and synchronicities. If you don't believe that the Divine had anything to do with it then you are wrong.
Source or Divine is essentially the purest of love. When twin flame union happens it's like the twins have become one with Source in divine love.
The purpose of twin flames to be in union is to unleash the power of love for one another, Source, and the world.
Twin flames in union emit such a strong vibration of love that it literally has an effect on those around them. Their ultimate purpose is to be the guiding example of love and light on this planet so that the consciousness of the whole can be uplifted.
Is your twin flame your true love?
Your twin flame is your ultimate true love. You both share the same soul so the level of intimacy, deepness, and love for one another is entirely on a different level compared to other lovers.
You only have one twin flame throughout your life.
Usually, a relationship with your twin flame is very much a spiritual one. They are the only ones that can cause you to break down your walls, bare your soul, and go within to heal.
The love and bond between you and your twin flame is eternal, while no amount of time or space can break it.
You can never forget your twin flame while memories of other love's may come and go.
Your twin flame and you are one in mind, body, and soul. So if that ain't true love then I don't know what is.
Final Thoughts
You may be going through life as usual and come across someone who you may identify with as being a soul mate. Be prepared because it may be so much more, so much deeper then you know. You may have just met your twin flame.
Twin flame relationships are meant to rock you to the core. Encountering your twin flame will blast open your heart to feeling Divine unconditional love, a force so powerful that words could never do it justice.
Your twin flame is meant to be your ultimate mirror soul, your other half, the yin to your yang.
A relationship with them helps you uncover all the hidden aspects of yourself which may prevent you from being the best and whole you that you can be.
Within the twin flame journey, you learn so much about yourself like learning to accept and love yourself unconditionally, patience, compassion, empathy, and so much more.
A twin flame union is absolutely meant to be once both twins have resolved any egoic issues which prevented them from being together in the first place.
The true purpose for twin flames to come together is to be a guiding beacon of love and light in this world. They anchor the power of love from the Divine and spread it across this planet.